Channel Partner FEEDBACK
Please can you complete the survey to help BMD to improve webinars for next year.
Spend just a few minutes to provide some feedback by clicking HERE
.Thank you,
Syntex Team.
Taken from email sent by BMD marketing 17/11/2020...
We need YOUR feedback
As you are aware, we started a programme of channel partner webinars in August. In these challenging times, it was a way to provide relevant product information in a safe and scalable way
Attendance has been excellent and we are very grateful that so many of you are willing take time out of your busy schedules to participate
To help us prepare for the coming year we would be most appreciative if you could give us your feedback to help make these events even more successful, and more appropriate to your needs going forward
Stay safe!
The Channel Marketing Team
Blackmagic Design EMEA
Please spend just a few minutes to provide us with some feedback by clicking HERE.