Together with NewBlue, Grass Valley have compiled the 15 best effects and video filters for EDIUS and named the package EDIUS Effects. EDIUS Effects contains the following NewBlue filters: Active Camera, Image Mapper, Reflection, Tile, Time Clock, Viewfinder, Auto Contrast, Flash Remover Pro, Lens Correction, Skin Touch Up, Frame Rate, Old TV, Tilt Shift,…
Together with NewBlue, Grass Valley have compiled the 15 best effects and video filters for EDIUS and named the package EDIUS Effects. EDIUS Effects contains the following NewBlue filters: Active Camera, Image Mapper, Reflection, Tile, Time Clock, Viewfinder, Auto Contrast, Flash Remover Pro, Lens Correction, Skin Touch Up, Frame Rate, Old TV, Tilt Shift, RGB Shift and Zoom Blur.