Fur wind protection for use on miniature microphones that are placed on clothing. It is designed for Sennheiser ME 2/4/102, MKE 1/2 microphones.
Fur wind protection for use on miniature microphones that are placed on clothing. It is designed for Sennheiser ME 2/4/102, MKE 1/2 microphones.
The fur protection is designed for use on miniature microphones that are placed on clothing. A good fit of the fur to the microphone is ensured inside by the foam, which also maintains a free air space to achieve the correct protection effectiveness. In some situations, it is also possible to place the miniature microphone in the fur with a metal wind guard without using the foam. Miniwindjammers are available in many colors ( green, blue, red ).
It is designed for Sennheiser ME 2/4/102, MKE 1/2 microphones.