Specifically designed for Panasonic cameras, the affordable and versatile VZPFI offers precision focus and iris control. Operator may switch between auto and manual at anytime.
Specifically designed for Panasonic cameras, the affordable and versatile VZPFI offers precision focus and iris control. Operator may switch between auto and manual at anytime.
A stylish, lightweight body houses our unique dual knob adjustment system, which allows you to ease into proper focus and exposure in either direction. Independent focus/iris knobs allow for two people to operate together for critical focus during moving shots or crane moves-imagine the possibilities! The manual/auto switches lock into position, letting you watch the picture, not your hands. The VZ-PFI is completely intuitive and smooth, requiring no setup, power, or operator skill. This unique miniature control is a perfect compliment to a RockDVX or StealthDVX Zoom Controller.
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